The #1 Drain Cleaning & Plumbing Company in Columbia, SC

Locally owned and operated! Best price in town guaranteed.

Over 30 Years Of Experience

Professional Staff

Family Company

Columbia's Most Reliable & Trustworthy Plumbing Services

What separates us from other businesses – and why you should choose us – is our attention to detail and the meticulous passion we bring to our craft. What some may approach as just a job is an opportunity for us to display our dedication to treat every customer as family, as people who matter, and as customers who we want to call us again and to refer us to their friends and neighbors. Joel Weed adds a personal touch to every encounter and to him, success is a truly satisfied customer. 

About CPS Drain & Plumbing

CPS is a local, family-owned company with a 30 year history in all phases of home repair and remodeling. In 2020 we decided to focus on plumbing only and have made it our priority to satisfy every customer’s plumbing and drain issue.

We started our business in 1991 in the midlands of South Carolina and have earned an unblemished record serving homeowners, rental and commercial property owners, multifamily complexes and restaurants over these past three decades. One of our specialities is serving older homes with their unique plumbing and drainage issues.

Contact Us For Quality Work

No matter what your trouble is or just a consultation. We are gladly here to help our customers. Reach out to CPS Drain & Plumbing today! Our team is here to help!

Why Choose Us?

Our attention to detail and the meticulous passion we bring to our craft. What some may approach as just a job is an opportunity for us to display our dedication to treat every customer as family, as people who matter, and as customers who we want to call us again and to refer us to their friends and neighbors. Joel Weed adds a personal touch to every encounter and to him, success is a truly satisfied customer.